Meditation has many benefits recorded by practitioners and now documented in scientific studies. These include reduced stress and calmness of mind. On a more esoteric level awareness and self-awareness is expanded and greater self-understanding can be achieved.
There are numerous techniques of meditation which largely revolve around guiding ones thoughts in a chosen direction.
What you can expect in a meditation class at Sankalpa Mandir is an exploration of various techniques of guided meditation in a group atmosphere.
You may sit on the floor or in a chair. The important aspect of your sitting position is that you can sit comfortably alert in your chosen position for around 10 minutes at a stretch.
We tend to run the meditation classes in blocks of up to eight weeks but this is flexible.
The dates will be announced on our timetable or you may subscribe to our newsletter to be notified of upcoming events.
Ramon is offering an ‘Introduction to Meditation’ at Sankalpa Mandir.
Five morning sessions 7.00-7.30am;
May – Friday 22nd & Saturday 30th
June – Fridays 12th, 19th, 26th
Three evening sessions 7.45-8.15pm;
June – Mondays 1st, 15th, 22nd
Cost for 5 mornings $65
Cost for 3 evenings $40
Cost for all $100
Casual $15 per session
Call Ramon on 0428 358 139 to book a place